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PHASE 2 - Pioneer

Aliases: PAIN
Started: # Primary affiliations: INDs Local origin: Bronx, NY
Main lines: IRTS

Often referred to as a father of style; PHASE 2 is considered by many to be one of the most significant painters of the aerosol art movement. In the early 1970s PHASE 2 was a key figure, helping to pioneer the creation and reinterpretation of new letter forms. Many present day aerosol paintings across the globe are clearly derivative of innovations and embellishments created by PHASE.

He was president of the prestigious INDs crew as well as the Bronx chapter of the Ex-Vandals. He was a major force in creating a visual lookfor early Hip Hop. He was one of Hip Hop's first major underground graphic designers. He designed promotional flyers and posters fortop acts such as Kool Herc and Grand Master Flash.

He was also a major contributor to David Schmidlapp's IGT TIMES, the first magazine dedicated to aerosol art. He is also author along with David Schmidlapp of Style: Writing From the Underground a perspective on the evolution aerosol art's development.

More on PHASE 2 in the future. Read Raw Vision article on PHASE 2

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