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Aliases: PAY
Started: 1975 Primary affiliations: Salsa, BYB Local origin: Manhattan
Main lines: 1s, 3s

PAID 3 began his writing career in 1975. Shortly thereafter he began hitting the number 1 IRT line. It was the line that he would remain loyal to for the majority of his career. He was a very independent writer. He was affiliated with popular crews, but rarely appended his name with any crew acronyms and most of his ventures into the tunnels were solo missions. His career peaked on the number 1 line in 1977 and 1978. PAID 3 became one of the names most frequently seen on the 1 line. By 1979 PAID's career came to a conclusion.

paid paid paid

PAID 3 interview conducted June 31, 2003 by ERIC aka DEAL

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