NEO Started: 1979 Primary affiliations: RIS, NOG, BYI MPC Local origin: Queens LInes hit: BMTs, IRTs NEO started his writing career in 1979 on bus lines in Queens. His subway career began shortly thereafter. His career peaked on the subway during the mid to late 1980s. He wrote with a variety of crews including MPC, UA, QV, BYI and the RIS Crew for which he is most well known. He wrote during the closing chapters of New York City subway graffiti despite the odds. He diversified his writing efforts between peices, throw-ups and tags across a variety of subway lines. He has written with writers such as GHOST, GATO, CAP REC, LOST and others. More on NEO in the near future. NEO interview coming soon Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Copyright © 2005 @149st. All rights reserved. | Home | Artists | Crews | History | Links | E mail | Glossary | |