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The Kings Destroy crew started in the Bronx around 1982. It was founded by COPE 2. The original name of the crew was Kids Destroy. Membership has included SPEL, REO, KIE (rip), STON 3, AM, SKEET, MED, TRIM, JEZ, OVIE, SAZE, and many others. Their most concentrated bombing efforts were on the IRT 4 line during the early 1980s. They effectivly hit other IRTs such as the 5 and 2 lines as well as the D and CC lines of the IND division. As the crew's presence on the subway increased their name was changed to Kings Destroy. The crew continued to write well past the peak and decline of subway graffiti. KD put forth strong efforts within the clean train movement, street bombing as well as the large-scale murals being created in the Bronx and through out the New York City.
Additional KD members of the 1990s and 2000s have been NEED, BLEN, CLOWN, TILT, PULSE, SABE, WAS and others.
More on KD in the future. Info on KD

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