Graffiti Books

Graffiti Books

Graffiti New York

Graffiti New York

Comprehensive overview of the history of New York City Graffiti dating back to the late 1960s Interviews with dozens of artists from many generations.

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Wall Writers

Book documents graffiti in its earliest stages during the late 1960s and early 1970s in New York City and Philadelphia. Features indepth interviews with many of the movement's most notable participants.

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PFaith of Graffiti

The Faith of Graffiti

Photographs of New York City graffiti prior to 1974. This was the first major publication on the topic of subway graffiti. An essay on graffiti legends CAY 161 and JUNIOR 161 is featured as well as an extremely famous subway painting by STAY HIGH 149.

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The Birth of Graffiti

Follow up collection of Jon Naar's photo collection featuring street and subway graffiti prior to 1974

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Graffiti Kings

Stewart documents subway art in earliest and most evolutionary stages in great detail. Features interviews notable artists.

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Classic Hits

In Classic Hits, Bronx natives Alan Fleisher (ALE) and Paul Iovino (SKAY) talk about where it all started, drawing on their first hand knowledge of graffiti culture and continued friendship with other pioneers to create the most visual book on early 1970s graffiti ever published, including essays and quotations from the greats of the era.

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Early New York Subway Graffiti

Early New York Subway Graffiti 1973-1975

An amazing collection of rare photographs of a little-documented time period. The book features works by some of the most influential artists of the era.

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Subway Art

Subway Art

Late 1970s early 1980s New York City subway graffiti paintings. This book is credited with being a key element in triggering graffiti movements across the world. Often referred to as the graffiti Bible.

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SprayCan Art

Spraycan Art

This book documented early graffiti art movements across the globe. The book proved to be an additional catalyst for the expansion of graffiti movement world-wide.

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Spray Nation

Spray Nation

Many previously unpublished photos by Martha cooper featuring New York City subway graffiti from the late 1970s and early 80s.

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Training Days

Training Days

Authentic first–person accounts from the graffiti artists whose creative genius fueled the movement from late 1970s and early 1980s New York.

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From The Platform 2

From the Platform 2

Excelent collection of photographs of New York City subway graffiti covering the early to late 1980s.Shot by brothers Paul and Kenny Cavaleri

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Graffiti 365

Graffiti 365

Insider's view into the contemporary graffiti and street-art scenes, as well as their antecedents.

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The History of American Graffiti

Comprehensive look at the history of modern graffiti in the United States.

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Destiny Children

NYC Graffiti Destiny Children

Amazing collection of photos of late 1980s subway graffiti in New York City.

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Morris Park Crew

Morris Park Crew

A look at the history of the Morris Park Crew from the perspective of founding member John SLIP Lorne.

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Rockin It Suckers

Rockin' it Suckers

First hand accounts of one of the city's most dominate crews from the mid to late 1980s.

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Born To Run

Born to Run

Fantastic collection of graffiti on the IND and BMT divisions in New York City. Mostly rare photos undocumented or published elsewhere

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Broken Windows

Broken Windows

Features photos of the peak of the 2000s graffiti wall mural movement, along with comentary from the artists.

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Freight Train Graffiti

Freight Train Graffiti

An observation of the history of freight train graffiti in the United States.

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Uptown and DownTown

Uptown and Downtown

New York graffiti writers who cut their teeth painting trains in the '70s and '80s transfer Old Skool street art to a more permanent, collectible medium in this book, using transit maps, instead of subway cars, as canvases.

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City As Canvas

A visual account of the birth of graffiti and street art, showcasing works collected by preeminent artist Martin Wong.

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Mascots and Mugs

Mascots and Mugs

First book to examine figurative elements in graffiti art: It traces the history of key characters from the earliest examples by writers such as Stay High, Cliff 159 and Blade, to those of later masters like Mode 2, Doze and Tack.

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Piecebook: The Secret Drawings of Graffiti Writers

Stelar collection reproduces selections from the actual black books that graffiti artists use to perfect and share their work.

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